MACJOHN Sports to Sponsor 6 Scholarships for ATLGO

Registration for JTF's coming out event, "After The Lights Go Out" is progressing nicely. We thank you for your continued support. We also recognize that the price of the event may be too much for some families in the local area. MacJohn Sports, JTF's parent company, would like to offer 6 scholarships to local student athletes. JTF will be holding a content for these scholarships. The scholarships will go to 3 male and 3 female student athletes in grades 8-12 from Allegany, Garrett, or Somerset Counties. You can nominate a friend, son, daughter, granddaughter, grandson, student, niece, nephew, neighbor, or yourself by submitting an essay of 500 words or less addressing why the nominated student athlete should attend the clinic. The contest ends on April 3rd. Please share this opportunity with your friends, family, church members, neighbors, coworkers, well, everyone you know. JTF and MacJohn Sports wants to make sure the most deserving student athletes in our local area get the opportunity to have a great experience with some great athletes.

Contest terms and rules are below.

1. ENTRY: No purchase necessary to enter or win. Contestants will enter by submitting essays to no later than midnight on April 3, 2016. The essay must be 500 words or less addressing why you nominated the athlete for attendance. The entry must contain your email and contact information and who you are nominating. 
2. ELIGIBILITY: The contest is open to all residents of Garrett and Allegany counties in Maryland and Somerset County, Pennsylvania. Contestant winners will be student athletes in grades 8-12 who can participate in the After The Lights Go Out Training Event. Void where prohibited. 
3. WINNER SELECTION: Employees of the Joint Training Facility will select 6 total winners - 3 male entries and 3 female entries. All decisions of the judges are final.
4. PRIZES: Winners will receive free admission to the After The Lights Go Out training event on April 16th. The prize is not transferable to any other event. Parents or legal guardians of winners will be responsible for transportation to and from the event and completing all necessary paperwork for participation.
5. WINNER NOTIFICATION: Winners will be notified by email no later than April 9, 2016.